Making your own laundry detergent is easier than you think. Some people make their own to save money, some to protect their family from dyes and perfumes. Whatever your reason for making your own, Rural King makes it easy for you by carrying all the products you need.
- 1/3 Bar of Fels Naptha laundry Bar Soap (grated)
- 1/2 Cup of 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster
- 1/2 Cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
- 1 Rural King 5 Gallon Bucket with lid
Mix Grated Fels Naptha Soap with 6 cups of water in sauce pan, heat until soap melts.
Add washing Soda and Borax to Sauce Pan Mix. Mix Well until Washing Soda and Borax Dissolve
Pour 4 Cups of Hot Water into Bucket and add mixture from sauce pan.
Add another 1 gallon 6 cups of water and stir well.
Allow 24 hours for soap to gel.
Use 1/2 a cup of soap per load, recipe produces approximately 50 loads
*We recommend using a dedicated sauce pan for this recipe. Keep soap and ingredients out of reach of children and keep bucket sealed when soap is not in use. A double recipe may be produced with the Rural King 5 gallon Bucket.