All the Uses For A Garden Hose

DIY ways to use a Garden Hose

Don’t throw away those old beat up garden hoses!!!

Get creative and make something out of it.

Spring time is coming! Do you need something new to hang on your front door? What about a garden hose wreath?


What do you need to make this adorable wreath!?

  • 1 garden hose (Garden Hose @
  • Fake Flowers
  • Ribbon
  • Extra Large Twist Ties

Start by wrapping the hose is the look that you desire and securing the hose with the extra large twist tie. From there you will need to separate and possibly trim the fake flowers. After they are too your desired length place them in the extra large twist tie as well. Wrap your ribbon up around all of the item and tie it into the bow of your choice. And you have a pretty new door decoration!


Do you have to carry have buckets and the handle cuts into your hand? Not anymore! Use your garden hose as a grip!


All you have to do is cut down your hose to the length of your bucket handle and slip the hose onto the handle. And no more hand cramps!

Do you have kiddies? Are you a handy man!? If so you probably have some sharp tools that you don’t want those kids getting hurt on. So use your hose to cover your sharp tools.


What you need:

  • A nice new saw from Rural King (Buy Me!)
  • Your garden hose
  • A Knife

Measure your hose to the length of your tool and cut that away from the rest of the hose. Then make a slit in a side of the hose. Then you just have to slide the hose over your blade! No more worrying about those sharp tools and the children!



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