Wouldn’t it be great if you had your herb garden right in your kitchen without it looking messy? Here is a great idea on some easy DIY small herb garden ideas to fit right inside your kitchen. Some herbs will overtake a garden (like basil) and so having your herbs in a container can not only make it easy access but it makes sure you garden herbs stay where they are supposed to. Make sure you make room for this project in a spot that gets the appropriate amount of sunlight to keep your plants alive.
First, you will want to measure out on your board the spacing on where you want your jars. (I used an old piece of barn wood) In this picture mason jars are used, I used the regular mason jars but you could use the wide mouth as well. You can use scotch tape to outline where your jars will sit. This is so that when you nail in the pipe clamp you can make sure your jar will be where you were expecting it. You will also want to make sure you have attached a way to hang your masterpiece on the back of the board as well and that it can handle the weight of the whole project, I think it can range in between 4-10 lbs depending on your supplies.
Next, you will want to nail your pipe clamp to the board. (These were painted copper) You will want to make sure that you have a durable paint that will stick to metal. RuralKing has a great selection of different colors and sizes of pipe clamps that you will want to make sure fit around your jar or container you are using.
For mine, I also painted a line of chalkboard paint where I wanted to label the herbs. (below I have copied a link where I got this project from and then I just made my own person alterations) Using chalkboard paint allows you to change the order of your plants or change out what plants you have.
Next, you will want to prepare your jars and plants. RuralKing has some great herb starters or you can use your own seeds. I chose Cilantro since we cook a lot of fish dishes, Basil (who doesn’t love fresh basil), Rosemary for when we make Marsala, Dill, and Oregano. Now to prepare your jars you will want to put rock or stones in the bottom of the jar to allow for drainage from the roots. This picture does not show it but from trial and error, most potted plants need some drainage. You can use any kind of stone, decorative glass, or rock and fill it about 1 inch from the bottom. Then you will want to put in your potting mix dirt and plant your seeds. If you are using starter plants like I did, you will put in your stones, then add your plant and dirt. You do this before you attach your container to the clamp. Make sure to give your plants some water. Then, place the container in the clamp and tighten it down. You will want to have your board leaning against the wall so that the containers are not laying on their side.
Once you are all finished clean up an excess dirt and hang your new project. I have added the links for this project just below. There is a second link to other indoor herb garden project ideas! ENJOY!