Repel Mosquitoes and enjoy the view!

hummingbird-beebalm-loRepelling mosquitoes can be done not only by coating yourself in bug spray, or carrying a ThermaCell Mosquito Repellent Dispenser, but also by planting some useful plants around your house or deck, or place strategically around the yard!There are many plants that help to reply mosquitoes since these pesky little bugs can not stand the smell, and this allow us to sit back and enjoy the view without getting bit. Rural King has several of these plants already started for you to just put in a pot or in the ground, as well as packets of seeds for you to plant as you please!

To start off with most of these plants emit a fragrance that is usually pleasing to us, such as lemon, lavender, and mint. Some of the plants repel naturally, others can be processed (boiled or crushed, etc) into a spray to use. Here is a link that explains how to use each of the plants to help you repel these pesky bugs, make sure to check your planting zones and correlate it with your plants growing zones:

DIY Stump Removal

In the new house my husband and I are moving into next Friday we have at least 1 tree growing too close to the house that we will unfortunately need to cut down. I was searching for a way to remove the stump without using harsh chemicals, and I feel I found a way that will work well for us! With the use of a simple power drill and Epsom salt we can get rid of the stump with very little physical labor at all.