It’s June, and that means that in most zones in the United States, grasses are green and lush, wildflowers and garden flowers are blooming, and butterflies, birds, and bees are happy.
In most places, the worst heat of the summer has not yet settled in, and the drought season is still at least a few weeks away.
Keep reading to see which jobs can keep your garden happy in June!
Fruits and Vegetables
Asparagus and rhubarb will be nearing the end of their season. Stop harvesting these to let them build up for next year.
Plant any warm season plants (corn, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, peppers, pumpkins, squash) as soon as possible, if you haven’t planted them yet.
Summer greens (lettuce, chard, kale) should be planted in succession to provide a longer harvest.
Keep a close eye on your tomato plants. Make sure they are staked and water them every day once fruit sets. Pinch out any suckers and feed the plants weekly.
Cover your fruit with netting to protect from birds.
Thin fruits on your apricot, apple, peach, and pear trees after the June drop to help them produce better, larger fruits. As a rule of thumb, remember that apple trees should have 30-40 leaves per fruit, and peach trees should have 50-75 leaves per fruit. This will help the trees produce better and avoid taxing their root structures.
Remember to maintain hills around your potato plants to avoid sunlight exposure, which can make them poisonous.
Winter harvest plants, such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, can be planted for next year.
June Care for Flower Gardens and Containers
If your flower beds are missing something, you can add instant color to your flower gardens and landscaping by purchasing plants that are already blooming and planting them in any bare or sparse spots you may have. Make sure to pay attention to the sun and spacing requirements on the plants’ tags.
Remember to deadhead your annual blooms to encourage them to grow bushier and bloom longer.
Plant some new perennials for next year!
Divide flowering perennials that bloom in the spring, such as Aubrietia, Primroses, and Arabis.
Fertilize your roses each month during the summer. Check them for aphids, mildew, or other disease or insect issues, and make sure to correct any of these issues right away.
After your spring bulbs have died back naturally, remove the dead foliage.
Tall flowers will need to be staked to avoid blowing over in the wind. As you plant, add a stake for each seedling, then loosely tie the stem to the stake as it grows.
Make sure to water containers and hanging baskets daily, especially if they are in direct sunlight. The soil in containers suffers more exposure to the wind and the sun and dries out more quickly.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Prune or shear your evergreens during June.
Flowering shrubs (Wisteria, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Camellias) should be fertilized after they finish blooming with a specialized fertilizer. To encourage next year’s bloom, deadhead the seed pods from Azaleas and Rhododendrons.
June Lawn Care
Lawns love fertilizer in June! Make sure the one you use is complete and includes a 3-1-2 ratio for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Raise the height of your mower if the lawn begins to dry out. This will keep it from turning brown as quickly.
You can always seed your lawn to fill in any bald patches. Remember to keep newly seeded areas watered.
Your lawn, gardens, and flower beds should have enough to keep you busy in June, but don’t forget to enjoy them, as well! Post your pictures, tips, and ideas in the comments as you grow with us all summer!