When Halloween is over, seeing your smiling jack-o-lantern tossed to the curb can be tough. Chickens, however, are happy to see your pumpkins thrown out, especially if they get to eat them. Pumpkins and other fruits and vegetables make fantastic, healthy chicken treats. Today, we are going to fill you in on the best things that you can toss in your chicken run instead of the trash.
Month: October 2017
The deer call is not a new addition to the sport of hunting. However, some hunters are afraid to use them because they worry about spooking deer. If you aren’t familiar enough with the sounds of grunts, rattles, bleats, and snorts that deer make, you could be costing yourself a buck. But, if you know the best times to use a deer call and how to mimic the sounds of fawn, doe, and territorial bucks, you are going to have much more luck than sitting in the treestand.
From snow showers to blustery winds, small changes can keep your home cozy while having a big impact on your energy bill. With these tips from Ameren Illinois, you’ll be ready to handle snow days, holiday parties, and everything in between like an energy efficiency expert.
Stay Warm & Bundle Up

Instead of cranking up the thermostat, one of the easiest ways to save on your heating bill is to put on a pair of warm socks and a sweatshirt or cozy up with a blanket. This will help keep you warm without using additional energy.
Deck the Halls With LEDs
Whether you have an annual holiday lighting contest with your neighbor or just like to hang a few strands throughout your house, invest in LED holiday light strings. This will keep those extra holiday lights from driving up your power bill. You can find all kinds of LED holiday lights at your local Rural King.
For even more savings, put your holiday lights on a timer so they turn off when you go to bed.
Use Your Fireplace Carefully
Be sure to keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning so your heat doesn’t escape up the chimney. To prevent heat loss when using your fireplace, install tempered glass doors to keep the warm air in, and a heat-air exchange system, which blows the warm air back into the room.
Find all the supplies you need for your energy savings project at your local Rural King.
For more energy-saving tips and projects, visit the Ameren Illinois Energy Savings Center.
Raising chickens in cold climates can be scary for new chicken owners. Egg production slows down, and new issues arise as your chickens are introduced to colder temperatures. Be sure to winterize your coop to make sure your flock stays warm, happy, and healthy.
There are hundreds of different chicken breeds worldwide, and each breed comes with its own benefits. The task of finding the perfect breed can seem daunting, so we’ve compiled a list of the best breeds for new backyard chicken owners.
Owning chickens can be very rewarding. Chickens make great pets, help out with your garden, and provide you and your family with delicious, farm fresh eggs. If you’re thinking about starting your own backyard flock, there are a few things you need to know and prepare before your chickens arrive.
You’ve decided that you want to have some new feathered family members, but before you bring them home, make sure that they have the perfect coop to come home to. Just like our homes, chicken coops come in a bunch of different styles and sizes so it can be tough to know exactly what your chickens will need. Today, we’re going to fill you in on some tips and tricks to creating the perfect haven for your new flock.
Did you know October is National Pizza Month?! Even though we don’t need an excuse to break out the grill, we know you are going to love this grilled pizza recipe. We will share our tips and tricks to make each grilled pizza your own; crispy crust, thick crust, veggie pizza, meat lovers, you name it! You will even learn how to make pizza dough from scratch! Grab your favorite pizza toppings, cheese, and sauce! Let’s grill some pizza!
Keeping a clean car is tough when traveling with your canine companion. Taking your dog camping, hiking, to the beach, or on any outdoorsy adventure can lead to a very dirty dog – and car! By prepping your vehicle for these messy instances, you’ll be able to save time cleaning and spend more time with your pup. Follow the guidelines below and say goodbye to constant mud, fur, and slobber taking over your car.
We’ve all heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but did you know apples can also be used to keep baked goods moist and make a great face mask? In honor of Apple Day (Oct. 21st), here is our list of a few creative ways you could be using apples this fall.