Tasty Recipes that Grant Good Fortune in the New Year

The New Year is only a few days away. Around the world, different cultures will use food to try and boost their luck, fortune, love life, and even health in the next year. If you are planning a dinner party, make sure you have a few of these foods for your guests. Follow the traditions explained before each recipe to ensure your New Year is the luckiest one of all!

Simple Energy Saving Solutions for Every Household

Everyone loves saving money! There are several things you could be doing every week to save on your energy bills this year. With these energy saving tips and tricks from Ameren Illinois, you’ll be able to reduce your energy use and have a bit more money in your pocket after your bills are paid.

What Should be in my Vehicle’s Emergency Kit?

The roads can be unpredictable, especially in rough weather. Don’t wait until you run out of gas, have an accident, or get stuck in the snow or mud to start thinking about a vehicle emergency kit. Get prepared today by gathering the following items. Future you will be glad you did!

Icy offroad vehicle standing on snowy forest road, rear view, emergency kit

Bird Flu: Keep Your Flock and Family Safe

People who keep backyard chickens should be aware of the risks of Avian Flu (Bird Flu), as it is a disease that can destroy a flock. Bird Flu can also potentially spread to humans. It is important to take precautions to reduce the risk that your chickens or family will contract this deadly disease.

Three Homemade Soup Recipes Hot off the Grill

When the temperature starts to drop, it’s time for some comfort foods. A great way to warm up is with some hot soup on the grill. Learn three delicious soup recipes that you can make on your pellet grill, smoker, gas grill, or even on the fire pit. Whether you’ve got the sniffles or just want to crank up the heat, these soups are sure to make you nice and comfortable.High Angle View of Various Comforting and Savory Gourmet Soups Served in Bread Bowls and Handled Dishes and Topped with Variety of Garnishes on Table Surface with Gray Tablecloth

7 Ways to Stay Active with Your Dog During the Winter

The dark, dreary days of winter make staying indoors much more appealing. Coupled with the onslaught of cookies, parties, and big meals, staying committed to our regular outdoor activities and exercise can often fall by the wayside.

Winter is a great time to get outside, actually, since the weather keeps most people inside. With the right gear, winter outings can be enjoyable, especially if they involve our dogs. After reading this list of ideas to keep you going through the cold months, you and your dog will be eager to get active outside together.

Three Must Try DIY Christmas Decorations

If you’re looking to add some new Christmas decorations to your collection or simply want to create a nice gift for a friend, look no further. Today, we have three fantastic DIY Christmas decorations that you can make using items from Rural King. Follow our step by step instructions and learn how to create rustic, Mason jar lid ornaments, a hardware cloth Christmas tree, and light up Christmas gifts.

Pros & Cons of Raising Free Range Chickens

Trying to decide whether or not to raise free-ranging chickens can be tough. We’ve all heard that chickens benefit from free-ranging, but there are also reasons to keep your chickens confined. The chicken experts at Nutrena have provided us with pros and cons of raising free-range chickens to help you make the choice that is right for you and your birds. After reading, you will have a better idea if you have enough space for free range chickens and some of the reasons your chickens might be happier within their coop and run.

Use Leaves and Wood Ash for Your Farm and Garden

When fall is in full swing, there are piles of leaves on the ground and plenty of logs on the fire. Most of us just rake everything up and kick it to the curb, but you could be using leaves and firewood ash on your homestead. You know what they say, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” so learn the many creative uses for your leaves and ash before you just throw them all away!

  leaves in bags ready for pick up

The Deep Fried Turkey Guide

The holidays are the perfect time to visit friends and family. It’s also the best time for great food. My family makes a turkey and a ham for every holiday, so for Christmas, we will be deep frying a turkey. Rural King recently had a live video demonstrating how our grilling experts deep fry their birds. We will go over how they prepped, cooked, and carved their turkey. Plus, we’ll give you some deep frying safety tips so you can deep fry a delicious turkey safely. Christmas turkey dinner served with veggies