FFA Week: Rural King Loves the Future Farmers of America

FFA (Future Farmers of America) is an organization that was founded by farmers but has evolved into much more. Their mission is to prepare younger generations for the future by teaching leadership, independence, and responsibility. Many Rural King associates were part of FFA at one point or another, and we want to show our pride during National FFA Week. Read on to learn more about this hardworking organization and how Rural King is working just as hard to assist them.

What is FFA

FFA is an acronym for Future Farmers of America, but it is not just for students who want to be farmers. This organization works with a new generation of teachers, doctors, business owners, and more.

A group of young farmers started the group in 1928. Ever since, FFA has grown and helped countless people succeed in their career and grow as individuals.

Premier Leadership

Events and conferences are held year-round to improve the leadership skills of students; 212º conference, Blast Off, and the National Leadership Conference for State Officers (NLCSO) just to name a few.

The goal of each conference is the development of skills required to be a leader.

Personal Growth

Besides developing people skills and being part of a larger organization, FFA allows students to find their strengths and weaknesses and pushes them to create personal goals.

Clubs and organization greatly improve student social skills as well. Making friends has never been easier.

Career SuccessBusiness team with two men and one woman team, with the woman in the middle with pen in her hand

During conferences, competitions, and meetings FFA members are shown the pathways to success. Students will explore their interest in a broad range of careers.

FFA partners with many companies to provide their members and other worthy students with funding for furthering their education. Find a full list of their scholarship programs HERE.

National FFA Week

Each year, Future Farmers of America chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. Each chapter shares how FFA has impacted them and their community.

This year, FFA week runs from February 17-24, 2018. If you know someone who has been or is part of FFA, let us know in the comment section below.

Help us celebrate Wear Blue Day. Simply wear blue and show your pride for FFA members everywhere. Share your pictures on our Facebook Page!

Rural King & Future Farmers of America

Many of our associates have been part of FFA and its events. Below are some of the examples of Rural King supporting FFA and its members:

Rural King associate, Kathy, represents us at the Pasco County Fair
…And takes home 4th place after knocking TSC out during the first round!
Rural King donates water to local FFA chapter
One of Rural King’s district managers and a former FFA member, Brian worker, showing his cattle in 1999 and a picture of his family (below)
The Crystal River, FL Store wanted to feature middle school FFA programs and are very excited to recognize all the students’ hard work, projects, and achievements next month at the Citrus County Fair.
The Crystal River, FL Store wanted to feature middle school FFA programs and are very excited to recognize all the students’ hard work, projects, and achievements next month at the Citrus County Fair.
The Hamilton, OH store recognized long-time FFA member and Farm Department Manager Brandon. He is now an Alumni member and proudly teams with his local chapter to keep up with new fields of study and is a major asset to the Hamilton team.
Tina, from Heath, OH, traveled to Licking Valley FFA to participate in their “Greenhand Ceremony”. This is where the new members of the chapter are initiated into the chapter and the members’ hands are painted green.
FFA week
The Martin, TN store invited their local High School FFA officers to grill for customers on Saturday 2/24! The FFA chapter was presented with a $150 gift card in addition to donations from customers. The store also supported FFA Week by having each associate wear a blue FFA shirt on Friday for National Blue Day.

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