Smoked Pulled Pork Recipe: What’s for Dinner?

Our expert on the grill, Matt, is at it again! This time, he’s teaching us how to cook pulled pork low and slow with a pellet grill. Deciding what to use this juicy meat for is up to you!

Before Grillingwood pellet eco friendly

For this recipe you will need:

*A pellet grill was used to create this recipe. Any type of smoker will work*

Smoked Pulled Pork Prep

  • Rub several drops of olive oil over the pork butt. This will help your rub stick to the meat. The meat should not be dripping with oil.
  • Using a Rub/Seasoning of your choice, cover the pork butt liberally.
  • Once thoroughly coated, set your meat aside and prepare your pellet grill. You want a slow, even transition of temperature to avoid “shocking” the meat, so don’t put the meat on while cold.
  • Set your Pellet Grill to 250ºF. As it starts to warm up, clean your grill grates with a Wire Brush.
  • Once your grill is preheated, it’s time to smoke!

Smoking and Shredding Your Pork

  • Put your pork butt on one side of the grill, fat side up.
  • Make sure the grill hopper is full of wood pellets, and let it cook for 4-5 hours.
  • At the 4 hour mark, check to see if the fat has split. This will tell you if your meat is ready to be wrapped in foil. If the fat hasn’t split yet, simply leave on the grill until it does.
  • Once the fat has split, wrap the pork in foil. Add a second layer across the bottom just in case it rips while pulling off the grill. Then, put it back on the grill for another 3-4 hours.
  • Check on the pork butt periodically to see if the bone is able to be wiggled/pulled free from the meat; that’s your tenderness indicator.
  • Once the bone pulls right out, transfer the pork butt into a foil pan. Matt suggests pouring the juices in with the meat to keep your pork from drying out.
  • Now, it’s time to pull the meat apart. Using tongs or Bear Paw Meat Shredders, shred/pull the meat apart and into the foil pan. After the meat is shredded, the rest is up to you!

Pulled Pork

If you’re struggling to figure out what to do with those pulled pork leftovers, check out our 5 Favorite Leftover Pulled Pork Meals.

What’s your favorite pulled pork dinner? Leave your answer in the comment section below.

If you fancy feasting, make sure to look at our other recipes for on and off the grill.

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