Vinegar has been used for 10,000 years. It just might be the world’s oldest ingredient!
Vinegar has a ridiculous amount of uses. You can use it as a fabric softener, flea repellent, a disinfectant, polisher, deodorizer, and many more things. White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser. It is effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and very economical.
Did you know that once vinegar dries it has no scent? So even if you don’t like the smell, it will go away after it dries. Personally, my favorite use for vinegar is as a fabric softener. Just replace your regular fabric softener with a half cup of vinegar for a medium load of laundry. It will help prevent lint from sticking to clothes. Also if you happen to buy new laundry soap, and it disagrees with someone in your house holds sensitive skin, just add it to the last rinse cycle. My mom had to do that for my little brother, he’s a red-head with super sensitive skin. Seriously the skin around his mouth breaks out if he eats spaghetti!
When I moved into a new house that the previous tenants had smoked in we used a vinegar and hot water mixture to scrub the walls to help remove the grim and scent. It worked wonders!
When we adopted a new kitten that had fleas we used vinegar to kill the fleas already on her while we waited for the Frontline to kick in to kill the eggs and prevent new fleas from getting on her. For that situation we used a mixture that was 1 cup water, ¾ cup vinegar, 2 tablespoons Dawn Blue Dish Soap.
You can polish car chrome with full-strength white distilled vinegar on a soft cloth. Polish brass and copper with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of ketchup and 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar. Rub it on with a clean cloth until dry and shiny. You can make your car extra shiny by adding a few drops of white distilled vinegar to your bucket of water.
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