
There is something about have your own flock of Chickens that does the family good.  You can get quite a bit of enjoyment from raising your flock not to mention the fresh eggs you get along with a supply of fresh meat if you decide to.  You can use the flock to teach responsibilities to young members of your family.  From taken daily care of the flock to raising 4-H projects for the fair.  Rural King has all your needs for starting and taken care of your flock.  Your local store has several different breed on hand plus you can always order exotic breeds for 4-H projects.  We carry Starter Feed, Layer Crumbles along with many other feeds or treats.

When starting your flock, remember to keep your Chicks at the proper temperature. Chicks need to be at 90 to 100 degrees for the first week.  You can drop the temperature 5 degree each week until the chicks are 6 to 8 weeks old.  You can tell if the area is too cold or too warm by watching your chicks.  If your chicks are grouped closely together under the light, then it is too cold.  If the chicks are spread out unevenly trying to get a way from the light it is too hot.  If the Chicks are spread out even within their area, then the temperature is just right.  Remember Goldilock’s when it comes to your chicks, not too cold, not too hot but just right.  You can get everything you need from Brooder Lamps, Heat Bulbs, Feed, Waterers and Feeders at your local Rural King.

Little Giant 5 Gallon Plastic Poultry Chicken Waterer PPF5

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