Stepping stones are a great way to dress up your garden, but can be quite pricey. So why not spend an afternoon making your own garden stepping stones? They are super easy and fun to make for the whole family!
There are tons of different kinds of stepping stone, whether you want to add them to your garden or just accent a walkway into your backyard stepping stones make cool landscape accessories. They can also make great gifts, although they may be a little heavy to wrap!
What you will need:
- Concrete (you can find this in your local Rural King store or special stepping stone concrete at a craft store)
- Plastic mold (you can also find these at craft stores, but you can also use a pie pan or a plastic pot drainage saucer which is also found in our Rural King stores.)
- Decorations such as paint, shells, marbles and glass beads or pieces of a wind chime.
What to do:
- Put on a pair of plastic gloves and lay out a few sheets of newspaper to cover the floor.
- Pick which mold you’ll use to make your stepping stone.
- Mix the cement according to the instructions on the package and pour it in the plastic mold container. It should be at least two inches thick.
- Depending on how you want to embellish your stepping stone, start decorating it while the cement is still soft or wait at least 24 hrs for it to dry before removing it from the container.
Stepping stones: before the cement hardens, you can make a hand or footprint, stick on shells and glass beads or use cookie cutters to make cool shapes. You can use anything lying around your house to jazz up your stepping stones. If you’re more of a painter, then wait for the cement to completely dry before you paint your stepping stone!